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Research Notebook #6Jonathan Roy

Quebecker artist Jonathan Roy arrived in March 2023 and spent his residency at the BPS22 exploring the state of French-speaking communities in Belgium.

He lost no time in travelling the country’s three regions for a perceptive study of the presence, or absence, of certain languages in everyday conversation. Every evening in the Museum’s studio, he recorded his impressions of the words he read or the speech he heard. This continuous text was then exhibited in the BPS22 Annex, next to other installation pieces relating to his investigation into the use of language, including a fictitious and engaging dialogue between English, French, Dutch and Walloon. Jonathan Roy’s entire written works are reproduced in this Research Notebook, which preserves a tangible trace of today’s language and opens a door into Belgian linguistic plurality and diversity. Between reflection, awareness-raising and resistance.

Texts by Dorothée Duvivier, Pierre-Olivier Rollin and Jonathan Roy

BPS22 Hainaut Art Museum Publications, 2024
Language: French - English
64 pages; colour illustrations.
Price: €5 (excl. shipping fees)

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