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EntrelacsOlivier Cornil

This publication identifies the photographic mission entrusted to Olivier Cornil within the framework of Fluide, Thuin's contemporary art biennial in 2015.

Olivier Cornil's photographs are so many invitations to travel. They take us far away, confronting us with elsewhere. Yet, the artist photographs his close circle and intimacy with intensity and curiosity. Olivier Cornil is also an author. His images are always accompanied with fragments of texts, impressions that arose during his journeys and improbable and fleeting encounters. In Fluide 2015, he completes a photographic mission in the gardens, attempting to offer his vision of their true essence, between the given and the hidden, public and private.

Published by the Centre culturel de Thuin-haute Sambre and the Fondation Mons 2015 in partnership with the BPS22. 2015, 32 p., ill.

€ 5 (excluding shipment costs)

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