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À la lisière du présentJulie Deutsch

Created following a residency at La Plate-Forme, contemporary art laboratory in Dunkirk, as part of the 50° north network's Watch This Space biennial, the edition À la lisière du présent (On the edge of the present) shows the traces of the occupations observed, photographed and collected in a wood between the Grande Synthe rail yard and the A16 motorway between Calais and Dunkirk. Called "The Little Jungle", this (non-) place was occupied by a migrant camp, mainly Kurds of Iraqi origin, until its dismantling in September 2018.

Julie Deutsch went through this wood, which still bears the traces of the lives in transit that it sheltered, and photographed it for three weeks. And yet, her images show the absence. The absence of human bodies. The absence of an event. Julie Deutsch chooses not to show these, so as to compel the gaze to an experience beyond the visual. She develops a reflection of the territory, its borders and its history, through a singular approach to the landscape, conceived like a space carrying traces of human activities and memory of collective trauma. She questions the marks that remain, the stigma left by humankind.

BPS22 edition, 2019
44 p. ; col. ill.

€18 (excl. shipping fees)

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