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THOMAS MAZZARELLAQue serà - Extra View

  • Exhibition

For the very first time, Thomas Mazzarella (Charleroi, 1983) divulges over ten years of creation at the BPS22. His acrylic on wood and oils on canvas each conceal a dense and complex universe that perfectly reflects our world. The specificity of this artistic work lies in the vast area that he offers to see through these small formats. His intent consists in putting in place totally imaginary spaces and environments that translate, tongue-in-cheek, the customs and usages of our contemporary society.

Architecture, décor, screen, frame, motif and painting are so many recurring themes of the artist, both conceptually and formally. The quality of Thomas Mazzarella's work stems from a subtle blend that he successfully operates between naivety, irony and disenchantment.

A new series of paintings will be presented on the occasion of this show, along with a publication including fifty pieces representative of the artist's career.

Curators : Nancy Casielles & Dorothée Duvivier

18.11.2017 > 07.01.2018
An exhibition to discover in parallel to Raphaël Zarka's show.

À NOTER : visite guidée le dimanche 17.12 à 11:30 par la co-curatrice, Nancy Casielles, accompagnée de Thomas Mazzarella. L'artiste pourra également dédicacé l'ouvrage monographique reprenant 10 ans de création.