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The Club Workshops30 years of the Theo Van Gogh Therapeutic Club

  • Exhibition

30 years ago, the Theo Van Gogh Therapeutic Club opened its doors at the initiative of Guy Deleu. Convinced of the value of taking psychotic patients out of an exclusively medical approach, this psychiatrist defends the idea of an intermediate place, outside the hospital, that can lead them to social integration and autonomy.

From the start, the artistic dimension formed the nucleus of the Theo Club. The exhibition at BPS22 aims to witness 30 years of performances at the heart of the Workshops; revealing its creative abundance as well as the various personalities who have frequented it. Among them, artists who have revealed themselves and some will be honoured in order to reveal the singularity and the quality of their artistic work.

Curators: Nancy Casielles (BPS22) and Omer Özcetin (Théo Van Gogh Club)

With ABDEL, Patrick ADORNI, Olivier BAUDOUIN, Fred BEHADEROVIC, David BENET, Olivier BERTEEN, Eric BREDA, Claire, Ann CLEEMPOEL, Gunay DALGIC, Jérôme DENIS, Laurence DESSY, Veli DOGAN, Marilena GIORGI, Cécile GOTTIGNIES, Eliane HOPILIARD, Fred IGNACE, Pascal ISBIAI, KALIDURA, Stefan LARDINOIS, Pascale LEROUX, Cathy LESPAGNE, Nicolas MANISCALCHI, Thaddeus MAZUREK, Naima MOUNIB, Meena NISEN, Nancy OLIVER, Samira OULAMEL, PAT’, Gaëtan POURCELET, REBA, Wahid SAÏDANE, Antonia SCAVONE, Raffaële SPAGNOLETTI, Christian THIENPONT, Françoise VAN LOOCKE, Marie-Christine VAN PAEMEL, Marie-Ghislaine VEYS, Léo VOCAL, Yasmina WIART and some anonymous.

An exhibition organised in the context of a partnership with the CPAS of Charleroi, of which the Théo Van Gogh therapeutic partnership depends.

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