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Suspended spacesA collective experience

  • Exhibition

Bringing together international researchers and artists, the Suspended spaces collective works around geographic spaces whose evolution has been frozen by political, economic or historical factors. Formed after the experience of the Cypriot ghost town of Famagusta, Suspended spaces moved on to Lebanon and more specifically Tripoli, on the unfinished site of Oscar Niemeyer's International Fair. The collective then went to Brazil where the MAC - a contemporary art museum built by Niemeyer in Niterói - and its double, the MACquino cultural and social centre, interface with vulnerable populations of the community of Morro do Palácio, work with the neighbouring favela, in a Brazilian society that is violent and divided. Each of these visits resulted in residences, works, encounters, colloquiums, publications, etc.

The BPS22 presents an ensemble of works (photos, videos, sound and sculptural installations) produced by Suspended spaces since 2007, as well as never-before-seen documents relating to the collective's upcoming residence in Amazonia. The exhibition is an opportunity to revisit the modernity and diversity of these projects in order to understand and influence (or not) a socio-historical and geopolitical future that is not necessarily all that far off. Implicitly, it is also about questioning the conditions of contemporary artistic practices, productions and thoughts.

Artists: Ziad ANTAR, Kader ATTIA, François BELLENGER, Filip BERTE, Marcel DINAHET, Yasmine EID-SABBAGH, Maïder FORTUNÉ, Lamia JOREIGE, Valérie JOUVE, Jan KOPP, Bertrand LAMARCHE, Lia LAPITHI, Daniel LÊ, Armin LINKE, André PARENTE, Françoise PARFAIT, Sophie RISTELHUEBER, Mira SANDERS, Stéphane THIDET, Eric VALETTE, Christophe VIART, Mehmet YASHIN.

Curator: Dorothée Duvivier

In the framework of the 100 years of Culture in Hainaut.