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  • Exhibition

The first museum exhibition of the Chinese artist Wang Du (born in Wuhan, China, 1956) was organised by the BPS22 in Belgium. The artist arrived in France in the early 90s and made a name with his great sculptures transforming media images, 2D by nature, into 3D constructions. Through his monumental sculptures, he gives consistency to the intangible universe of the media.

Wang Du's work examines the theme of information and the way that is inevitably transformed for the purposes of communication (Etymologically, 'inform' comes from the Latin 'informare', to form). He also addresses 'over- information', the possible manipulation of information, and the 'overconsumption' of media.
The Post-Reality exhibition displayed around twenty monumental works. This included a large tapestry ordered by the Hainaut Province from the CRECIT tapestry workshops in Tournai. Also featured wasThe Cradle, an immense bed measuring 13 by 6 metres, covered in cushions and sheets printed with pages from magazines and overlooked by around fifteen television screens. Visitors were invited to come and sleep in the bed.

Exhibition Curator: Pierre-Olivier Rollin