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Merci Facteur ! Mail Art #2Eric Adam and Bernard Boigelot

  • Exhibition

The second chapter of this exhibition cycle dedicated to Mail Art, Merci Facteur! [Thank you, Mr Postman!]; this time, it focuses on the dialogues between Eric Adam (Rocourt, 1963) and Bernard Boigelot (Namur, 1953), two artists who have maintained rich epistolary exchanges. The former, in his capacity as a micro-publisher, has also cultivated relationships with other writers. Therefore multiplying the literary and material correspondences documented in his archives. The latter favoured strong personal relationships with his correspondents. Consequently, he has established a remarkable collection of mail items that are essentially a test of the postal institution. They reveal significant attention to the particularities of the medium as well as a sense of wit and biting irony.

Curator: Pierre-Olivier Rollin

EXHIBITION: 20.02 > 23.05.2021
