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Merci Facteur !Mail Art #1 - Thierry Tillier Archives

  • Exhibition

A sideline in the history of art, Mail art has been around for a few decades. It involves artists, both known and unknown, exchanging their ‘works’ through the mail. It takes the form of decorations on envelopes, around messages and addresses, making rubber stamps for franking letters, and artistamps for sending franked objects, analogue or digital records, publications, fanzines, etc.

Born in Charleroi in 1954, Thierry Tillier is one of the central figures of the activity he still practices, keeping up graphic-literary exchanges with correspondents throughout the world. His many fanzines with a punk aesthetic reflect these permanent deviations and attest to his continuing role in Réseau 666 [Network 666]. The network was started by Philippe Pissier, who first translated Aleister Crowley into French and paid homage to occultism well before its current revival. Thierry Tillier still practises Mail Art, through his Kart collections in particular.