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Laurence DervauxUs, eight billion humans, minus twenty-seven, plus seventy, the time taken to read this title.

  • Exhibition

Laurence Dervaux is taking over the entire BPS22 and presenting an exhibition that combines retrospective and new works, including a huge immersive installation that purposefully plays with light, designed especially for the salle Dupont.

The work of Laurence Dervaux focusses on the human body; she seeks to sanctify its complex beauty as well as its fragility. But she never represents the body directly. Rather it is suggested, turned into an inventory of signs and shapes. Vital fluids, organs or even bone structures are transposed into vast fascinating apparatuses.

In 2020, the BPS22 exhibited La quantité de sang pompée par le cœur humain en une heure et vingt-huit minutes (‘The amount of blood pumped by the human heart in one hour and twenty-eight minutes’) as part of the exhibition La Colère de Ludd (‘Ludd’s Anger’). Positioned in the centre of the Great Hall, the work projected red shadows created by the sun’s penetrating beams on to the floor; visitors were particularly affected by the aesthetic and poetic power of the work.

Light is at the heart of a new immersive installation presented in the shadows of the salle Dupont. Here the artist has created a new haunting metaphoric vision of the human body, and the unceasing flow of its vital fluids.

Laurence Dervaux was born in Belgium, in Tournai, in 1962. She lives and works in Kain (Hainaut). As a visual artist, she mixes disciplines: installation, video, photo, drawing, painting, collage, etc. She has been present in numerous group and solo exhibitions since 1982 and in various national and international public and private collections. Laurence Dervaux has been the president of the painting, pictorial and three-dimensional research section at the School of Plastic and Visual Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts in Tournai since 2009. /

Curator: Pierre-Olivier Rollin
Exhibition from 23.09.2023 to 07.01.2024
Opening: 22.09.2023 - 07:00pm

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