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Les Audacieux


Starting last September, young people from several schools in Charleroi have been using the BPS22 as an experimentation space. The aim of this laboratory consists in grasping a better understanding of contemporary art, to apprehend the world analytically, to envisage other possible universes and to have the audacity to push the entrance door of the Museum outside school activities.

Within this framework, a wide array of events will take place until June: exhibitions, graphic arts workshops, philosophy workshops, meetings with artists, film projections... These activities will open various areas of reflection by going back and forth between questions on art, school and society.

During the entire school year, the museum's team will develop a close relation with the young people, who will become a relay for their peers during the closing weekend and will transmit the audacity required to approach culture differently.

Les Audacieux (the audacious) is a project carried out in collaboration with the General Delegate for the rights of the child.