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Although they date from the 1970s, the exhibited works of Jean-Pierre Point and Jean-Pierre Ransonnet echo current artistic concerns.
During this period of research and resourcing that forms my journey at the BPS22 in Charleroi, I am trying to define my own vision of an ecology of interest.
New residency at the BPS22: Jean-François Octave’s virtual residency on the museum’s website!
To encourage the young people to appropriate a project to its fullest, this year we gave each group an individual project.
In this focus, we’ll tell you more about the details of the Audacious’ activities.
Every year the BPS22 invites the Audacious to take part in a unique outreach project.
The BPS22, the Hainaut Province's Museum of Art in Charleroi, is an exhibition space especially dedicated to art forms focusing on current social issues.
The BPS22 team set up national and international collaborations and partnerships with institutions universally acclaimed in Belgium.