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Focus : The Audacious in action

The Audacious are four groups of young people from schools and associations in Charleroi who spend the school year up to March immersed in the BPS22. The project aims to give young people the confidence to walk into a museum outside of their school setting and to become stakeholders by appropriating the skills associated with museums, such as outreach, hospitality and communication.

In this focus, we’ll tell you more about the details of the Audacious’ activities. Groups of young people come to the Museum once a month to take part in different philosophical, creative, artistic and other workshops.

For the first time, students from the Pie X secondary school tried their hand at linocutting, taking their inspiration from the artists on display and particularly the work of Latifa Echakhchon memory and reminiscences. Students from the Cobaux primary school were inspired by the work of Olivier Baudoin, shown as part of the exhibition dedicated the 30 years of the Théo Van Gogh club.