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Wednesday workshopsFor children aged 8 to 12

  • Creative workshops

In a setting that encourages creativity, exploration, and experimentation, the BPS22 offers fine arts workshops to children from 8 years of age, Wednesday afternoons from September to May.

During the school year, children will have the chance to engage with different disciplines such as painting, 3D printing, animation, engraving, screen printing, writing, ceramics, or even cooking, all in dialogue with the BPS22 exhibitions.

Participants : Katia Ben, Fideline Dujeu, Bastien Darko, Flavien Gillié, Hypercut, Mario Lancini, Alice Mathieu, Catherine Pineur, Omer Ozcetin, Lorette Sagouis, Macarena Save

For children aged 8 to 12

Dates 2019-2020
18.09 - 25.09 - 01.10 - 09.10 - 16.10 - 23.10 - 06.11- 13.11 - 20.11 - 27.11 - 04.12 - 11.12 - 18.12
08.01 - 15.01 - 22.01 - 29.01 - 05.02 - 12.02 - 19.02 - 04.03 - 11.03 - 18.03 - 23.03 - 01.04 - 22.04 - 29.04 - 06.05 - 13.05

From 13:30 to 16:30, every Wednesday of the school year

€180 for the year (it’s possible to split the payment)

Information and booking: Mediation department
+32 71 27 29 71 or email hidden; JavaScript is required