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Tattooing, the art of the body ?Tiny conference

  • Conference

Always mindful of our young visitors, the BPS22 is once again holding a series of Small Conferences: Three lectures aimed at children aged eight or older, and the people they bring along.

During these lectures, the speakers share their knowledge, their thoughts or their artistic activity in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Each presentation is followed by a workshop where children can get hands-on experience of the field in question.

Feel free to stay a little longer: refreshments are available after the event.

Tattooing, the art of the body ?

Since the dawn of time men and women have tattooed their bodies.
How does the significance of tattooing change over time and across cultures?
Ritual, clan symbol, a way of turning the body into a work of art, and so on, we shall explore all these aspects and more during this small conference proposed by Mario Lancini, animator at BPS22.

SATURDAY 27.11.2021
14:00 > 16:00

FOR EVERYONE, from eight years old.

Fee : 6€
> Access to the museum, workshop and snack included.

The Covid Safe Ticket is required to access the museum and all activities.

Information and booking :
T : +32 71 27 29 82
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