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Grand angle #5Disappearance(s)

  • Reflection day

The rapid and brutal changes that shape our time - and that overwhelm us - also hasten disappearances - the living, time, shelter, communal experience, work, solidarity, vocabulary...

During this day we try to imagine, with the participants, how we can still move forward in a broken world, without fatalism and without submission.

The goal of Grand Angle is to offer a plurality of gazes and points of view by inviting philosophers, artists, writers, essayists, field practitioners... to unspool their thoughts through the medium of conversation rather than conference.

Between each intervention, Célestin de Meeûs will read short poems by Serge Meurant dedicated to the Dead of the Street.

With the participation of the Centre d'Action Laïque.


Nancy Casielles, curator at the BPS22;

Martine Di Marino, coordinator at Entre 2 Wallonie;

Isabelle Ferreras, researcher at UCL on questions related to work;

Marielle Macé, author of Sidérer, Considérer (Bewilder, Consider: Migrants in France) and of Nos cabanes (Our cabins);

Thierry Paquot, urban philosopher, author of several works including Urban disasters.

This day will be orchestrated by Pascal Claude, journalist and presenter of the shows Dans quel Monde on vit (The world we live in) and Et dieu dans tout ça ? (And where is God in all this?)on the Première (Radio Télévision Belge Francophone), and will be the subject of a (non) conclusion by Paul Hermant, poet-activist gardener.

VENDREDI 29.11.2019

9:30 > 17:00 (welcome desk at 9:00)

€20 / €5 students, job seekers and groups (min. 10 people)/ Article 27 Ticket

Entrance to the Museum and small meal included.

In the Auditorium of the Université du Travail

Bd Roullier 1, 6000 Charleroi

Entrance via the University library (rue Lebeau, a stone's throw from BPS22)

The visit of the exhibition at the BPS22 is planned for the lunch hour.

Information and reservations: +32 71 27 29 71 or email hidden; JavaScript is required