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Art and ecology: art in “green” modeAperitif conference postponed

  • Conference

What can art do in the face of huge ecological disturbances? A priori, not a lot. Nevertheless, the ecological problems that abound in society permeate the entire artistic field. Different artistic currents with more or less explicit names and meanings, such as ecological art, anthropocene art, bio art, environmental art, land art, contextual art and digital art, deal with these subjects. The approaches are as diverse as the challenges. During this lecture we go back to the 1970s, when the nature question emerged to a fanfare, and explore the issues of “eco-art”.

POSTPONED TO SAT. 12.03.2022
11:00 > 12:30

Prices (Museum entry and aperitif included)
Adults: €10
Seniors, students, teachers: €6
Ticket Article 27
Subscription (from 4 conferences onward): €6/conference

Information and booking: Engagement office

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