Adolescence(s)Grand Angle #6
- Reflection day
In connection with the Teen Spirit exhibition, this day of reflection questions adolescence(s) by inviting historians, artists, writers, psychologists, field practitioners, etc. to unpack their thoughts by choosing conversation over conference.
Different questions will be asked over the course of the day’s events: Is adolescence a recent concept? Is it a period of latency or crisis that varies depending on the sociocultural environment? Is it a stage of radical transformation and emergence of identity? What are the impacts of modern changes on teenagers?
With Nancy Casielles, curator of the Teen Spirit exhibition, Fatima Daas, novelist and author of La petite dernière, Laura Di Spurio, historian and author of Du côté des jeunes filles, discours, (contre-) modèles et histoire de l’adolescence féminine, Julia Marchand, curator at the Fondation Van Gogh and founder of the Extramentale programming platform, relying on the understanding of reality through the prism of adolescence, Pascal Minotte, psychologist, author of Dévoreurs d’écrans, Céline Lefèbvre, author of theatre for young audiences, writing workshop facilitator and teacher, and the students from the social worker section of the HEPH-Condorcet.
A day created by Pascal Claude, journalist and presenter of Dans quel Monde on vit and Et dieu dans tout ça ? on La Première (RTBF).